History of Gazechim Composites
With over 40 years’ experience, Gazechim Composites has become the leading distributor of composite materials in Europe.

1937 05 01

Creation of “L'Anhydride Sulfureux Français” in Béziers, by two families: Louis Grapin and Roger Rouayroux.
The company focuses on the distribution of sulphur dioxide - SO2.
1948 01 03

To support its growth, “Anhydride Sulfureux Français” relies on Compagnie Chimique d’Alais et de la Camargue (which will become Pechiney in 1950).
1965 06 11

ASF starts marketing chlorine and takes the name of Gazechim.
1973 01 20

Gazechim diversifies further: starts distribution of composites.
1975 04 15

Gazechim continues to diversify by beginning to distribute plastic materials.
1990 11 15

Gazechim extends its expertise to packaging and to the distribution of refrigerant fluids.
1991 11 10

Creation of the Union Chimique Participation, which buys back the shares from Rhône Poulenc: Gazechim strengthens its independence.
1999 07 20

The Group begins to expand in Europe. Creation of the Gazechim Iberica network in Spain and acquisition of the Resipol in Italy.
2002 06 10

Development of composite activities in Benelux.
2005 04 15

Acquisition of Lange und Ritter in Germany, distributor of specialty composite materials.
2005 07 11

Creation of the Gazechim Compositi Italia network (ex Eurochimica) and expansion of composites activity in Italy.
2007 10 09

Composites activity continues to grow after acquisition of Composites Distribution in France (aviation market) and Polytor in Poland (distributor of composite materials).
2008 06 19

The composites network starts to grow and expand in the Czech Republic and Slovakia after the acquisition of Skolil.
2009 11 24

Gazechim Composites grows quickly after acquiring the composites distribution branch of Owens Corning. Entry into new markets: Scandinavia, United Kingdom, Romania.
2012 07 16

The activity of the Gazechim Group diversifies after the acquisition of the I.Ma.Tec company, specialist in the manufacture and distribution of aluminium honeycomb.
2013 01 03

Group Gazechim pursues its growth by adquiring French composites and tooling specialist ABYLA.
2013 07 27

Acquisition of Mouldlife and Euromère (composites raw materials).